Redesigning the cover for Lateral Thinking by Edward de Bono

A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
This book cover is meant for a hardcover graphic novel version of the book. The use of a heavy typeface like Impact, is to create a visual irony of sorts, contrasting a typically delicate lace burqa. Since the main theme of the book is restrictions (with respect to the subjugation of women), the loud and bold typeface making up her body juxtaposes that. Her eyes look in an upward direction to give the sense of an authoritarian figure looking down on her.

A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
This book cover is meant for a soft cover/ digital version of the book. The book entails the stories of two women, the windows in the background are representative of them and them being bound by the four walls of their homes, deprived of education and other necessities that are deemed privileges to their male counterparts. Tea is very symbolic in the book, it marks the coalescence of their stories into one with a new-found truce between the two women to combat these restrictions. The effervescent  fluidity of the steam juxtaposes the rigidity of these restrictions.
 Animal Farm by George Orwell
No copyright infringement intended, purely an exploration.
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